Basis That Life Is Priceless

About Me and Inspirelogue: A Blog Founded on the Basis That Life Is Priceless

I would describe myself as exceedingly ordinary if I had to. Since I typically warm up to people slowly, I frequently come across as quiet. But that’s not how my brain works. The meaning of life, social issues, and climate change are my favorite topics to learn about, discuss, and think about. I’ve always been interested in minimalism, but other than that, I have no idea what I want to do. My cluelessness shows when you look at my educational background.  I have a Diploma in Biomedical Science, then I got a Bachelor of Business (Marketing).  Why did you suddenly change your course? You now understand. However, my mixed academic background ended up being to my advantage because it taught me to think scientifically and practically at the same time. If I could retake my education, I probably would have concentrated more on the social sciences and English. In the past, it was simply impossible. In Singapore, I was raised by a traditional Chinese family. Despite my early enthusiasm for reading, I never did well in English class. Understanding what I was reading was one thing, knowing how the rules work is another!

It would take more than another decade’s work after I completed my formal education to get my English good enough for a blog.

Even then, I continue to make grammatical errors. So, my apologies in advance!

The way I write now comes from reading. It changed my perspective on Western culture and opened my mind. It turns out, both metaphorically and literally, that if I were an apple, I would have fallen and rolled a long way away from the tree. I’ve been living in the United States of America since 2018. Because I work from home, I have a lot of space away from the hustle and bustle. Do you recall when I said that I had no idea what I wanted to do? Well, I never stopped still thinking about it.  I am now more determined to complete the task. I want to live a life that reflects who I am. I’ve always had the impression that I needed to discover something. There must be more to life than simply working for money and occupying oneself with activities to pass the time. I need my life to mean something.  Thus, I arrive at the blog. What is Inspirelogue about?

You’re gonna have to watch this page because I foresee the blog evolving.  For now, it’s guided by a strong desire to make life mean something.

Most of us think life is precious, but our behaviors don’t usually reflect that.  We stay in jobs we hate, indulge in behaviors we’re not proud of, stay in unhealthy relationships, and generally just feel stuck.

Life is precious, we say.  You only get one life! We say.

However, we waste our days. A sense of emptiness creeps in our being, but we don’t know how to begin filling it up.  So, we turn to distractions – social media, entertainment, shopping, and so on.

That’s wonderful because some of us are content with that. However, some of us settle into a life of quiet despondency. If we truly think that life is precious, why do we spend so much of our lives not really living it?  It’s such a shame!

To be fair, it is difficult to live a life true to ourselves – I’m still trying!

So I thought, why not create a space where I can keep reminding people (myself included) to live their precious lives?

After all, inspiration is a common source of inspiration, and a lifestyle can originate from a single idea. This is why I chose a seedling to represent the blog.  The letter “I” is a symbol of one’s own self, an idea, or inspiration. The seedling represents a new beginning, a fresh life.

 It’s about creating a life true to ourselves

Life is precious, no doubt.  We at Inspirelogue are obsessed with preventing life from passing us by. We’re obsessed with creating a life that’s true to ourselves.  A life that we can leave one day without regrets.

But how do we get there?  When there are a plethora of obligations and distractions attempting to steer us off course, how can we craft an authentic life? How do we create a life true to ourselves when we aren’t exactly sure what that means?  When we’re scared as hell of change?

We are attempting to determine that. To this end, we have to refine our lives and remove everything that doesn’t serve it.  A tool to achieve this is minimalism, a core pillar of the blog.

In the process, we’ll have to do a lot of reflections and mindful exercises to understand ourselves better.  That too, will be discussed in the blog.

Living sustainably to the best of our abilities is the goal. I think we cannot have an authentic and meaningful life if we have a guilty conscience.  So, part of Inspirelogue will always be about sustainability.

Living sustainably is the right thing to do, even if climate change weren’t such a serious problem. First of all, we owe it to Mother Nature, who provided us with all the resources we need to work with and survive on.

Secondly, the future is likely not going to be comfortable for most of us.  With the climate changing rapidly, to not try to live more sustainably would be selfish toward future generations and all the living things that share the planet with us.

On Inspirelogue, you can find lists of things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint and understandable explanations about climate change. It’s about inspiring conversations with people who have built a real life for themselves. This is the part of the blog I’m not quite sure I can achieve, but I hope to!

If you’ve read our frequently asked questions, you may be unsure of its content. When I first started the blog, I wanted interviews to be a big part of it. After all, the best way to find out how to live an authentic life is to learn from people who have achieved that for themselves.

In essence, I’ll talk to folks who are living a life true to themselves: folks who took the path less traveled or did something the rest of us wish we’d do but never did.

We’ll ask them what motivates them, what gave them the courage to venture out on their own, the difficulties they’ve experienced, how they solved them, and so on.

After that, I’ll record them all and give them to you. Because their stories aren’t just inspiring and useful, they are timely reminders for us to seize the day and truly live the way we want to.

Unfortunately, the interviews must be put on hold for the time being due to my schedule. But it will be done eventually!

Finally, it’s about an uplifting, synergistic community

Regarding the interviews we talked about, we don’t want to just take from those who inspire us, we want to give back as well.

It’s not always easy to take the path less traveled.  It’s scary and confusing, and the people around us aren’t always supportive.  If the path involves starting a business or a social media account, it’s even harder!

So, I’m also hoping to create a community where we can support these inspiring folks by giving them the business and exposure they deserve.

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